Get involved!

We love to collaborate with leaders who are aligned with CMHI’s vision and who want to drive tangible action towards our shared goal of ensuring that within a generation, investment in mental health matches the scale of global need.

  • Funder from private or public, philanthropic or for-profit capital

  • Implementer or innovator

  • Leader from a multilateral organisation

  • Policy-maker, advocate or ecosystem influencer

You might be a…

We are focused on four objectives (connect, inspire, de-risk, and integrate), working in partnership with others. You might have an idea of something new that you’d like to collaborate with us on or you might want us to amplify something that you’re already working on.

Across each of CMHI’s objectives, below are some examples of activities and ideas for collaboration that excite us!


  • Organise an event (or a series of events), which drives investment into mental health by forming connections across different types of mental health stakeholder and / or between mental health stakeholders and new audiences that want to explore the value of getting involved.

  • Develop a community or online platform that better connects different types of stakeholder in mental health (and beyond) and helps to drive investment into mental health.


  • Publish in-depth case studies highlighting successful mental health investment approaches across different regions. These case studies would showcase both financial returns and impact outcomes, helping to build a compelling narrative for why and how to invest in mental health.

  • Create a set of knowledge products (and potentially an online hub) that aggregates data on the return on investment of mental health initiatives. This could include region-specific data, interactive tools and reports that make the financial and societal case for mental health investment clear to a global audience, including those funding in low and middle-income countries.

  • Refine models and evidence to quantify the full financial impact of mental health investment (e.g., increased productivity, reduced expenditure).


  • Support the design of a pilot project that engages new types of capital in mental health (e.g., institutional funders), enabling the required risk-reward profile to make investment viable.

  • Support the design and launch of (or scaling of) innovative financing projects that are focused on mental health outcomes.

  • Support the development of a financial guarantee mechanism that provides a safety net for private investors in mental health projects. This could involve creating a risk-sharing facility where philanthropic capital or government guarantees backstop a portion of the investment, thereby lowering the perceived risk and encouraging more private sector engagement.


  • Form alliances with organisations in other sectors (e.g., humanitarian aid, women’s health, education) to create joint funding initiatives that embed mental health into their existing programs. 

  • Promote and scale existing frameworks for integrating mental health into various sectors, including e.g. humanitarian response, maternal and child health, and chronic disease management, to show funders how to incorporate mental health into their programming and achieve stronger impact outcomes.

If any of these ideas got you thinking, please fill in this short survey to let us know how you think we could work together!

Please note that as we review all initiative ideas carefully, it might take us some time to get back to you, but we will reply as soon as we can.

What CMHI could offer you if we work together:

Visibility and recognition: By working together, we will be able to pool our shared networks and platforms to help amplify the impact of our collaboration, such as via our newsletters, website, and major events, elevating your profile within the global mental health community. In addition, if your idea meets the criteria to be a CGI Commitment to Action and you would like it to be announced at CGI’s Annual Meeting, we will support you through this opportunity.

Networking opportunities: We will invite you to events and provide curated connections that we think can accelerate our work together, fostering collaboration and partnership opportunities.

Technical assistance: Where appropriate, we will bring technical skills and project management to support our collaboration. 

Access to insights: By collaborating with leaders across mental health and broader impact investment, we want to make it easier to access the latest research, data, and best practices from a diverse pool of experts and organisations dedicated to mental health.

What CMHI cannot do:

Provide investment advice (including specific investment targets and opportunities; advice on a specific investment opportunity, etc).

Conduct fundraising on behalf of a third-party investor, implementer, or investment opportunity.

Host pitch events for fundraising purposes.